PGH Ministries


The Great


This is a "Just Cause", not so much a religious zeal but more of a quest for righteousness.  We are to go out to help others come out...come out of poverty, come out of depression, come out of confusion, come out of self loathing, come out of self pity, come out of hopelessness, come out of anything that is keeping anyone from going to where God wants us to go and doing what God wants us to do.  We will offer hope and help people gain self worth, love for self (if you don't love yourself it is impossible to love others...Jesus said treat your neighbor as yourself therefore how we treat others is a reflection of how we treat ourselves) This ministry will help saved as well as the unsaved, the churched as well as the unchurched, the rich as well as the poor, God wants the best for us all and all we have to do is want it for ourselves. Put God first and everything else will follow.

We are not to live life on our terms or life terms but we are to live life on God's terms. Life is not about what we will get from God; however, life is about what God is going to get from us. I have to follow through with what God hath prepared for me, as it is written..."eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. 1 Corinthians 2:9.  This is not something that I asked for or even fathom and I actually tried to run from this calling, but I can't run nor hide from God. If all I want to is please God and I tell Him "here I am, use me, Lord I am available and I raise my hands in worship and offer myself to our Father...then He manifests Himself to me, then He gives me a vision and He even gave me a few names to ask to help with this quest.

It has been challenging, costly, frustrating, and on the surface I thought about forgetting it, but that something on the inside working on the outside and my strong desire to please God would not allow me to quit. Where would I be if Jesus decided to quit and not followed through? I thought that I couldn't do this by myself however; I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. If one soul is saved, it one person becomes a member of a local church, if one person becomes an active member of a local church, if one person learns to trust God enough to let go of whatever is keeping him or her stagnated, if one person goes on a quest for righteousness, if I can reach one person, I know in my heart God will be please because it is all about Him, His glory and His Kingdom.  Right now I am trying to reach at least one person, that one person that is so filled up right now and know that this is something that God wants from him or her at this time in your life.  For the past several years I've been saying that God is preparing me for I know what it is. How about you? Romans 12:1

Is there a recovery house or shelter in the vicinity of your home or church?  If allowed are you willing to go in and make a difference? Are you ready to lead someone to a local church, perhaps your church? Are you willing to reach the back slider, the strayed, and the uninformed? Maybe this is not for you but for someone you know that would like to be involved in this ministry....forward the information. What have you done for Him lately?

This ministry needs people that want to and is going can want to all you want to, but if you're not going to, it defeats the purpose...reaching at least one soul to Christ will make the angels rejoice.

Our goal is to get healing and deliverance to anyone going through life's struggles. Not just one local church, not just one neighborhood, not just one city, not just one state; however this minister is a mighty move of God and the overall goal for Power and Growth through the Holy Ghost is to move across the country, in Jesus name. The ministry will furthermore encourage the importance of being a member of a local church centered in the full gospel of Jesus Christ, Old and New Testament teachings. Preparing and positioning Christians to use their gift and talents for God's Glory.

It's not about how we do it, it is about how God does it and I have come to realize that many people including subsequent true believers put limitations on God, but our Father is not limited to one way, one race, one age group,  or one denomination to reach people with the Gospel. Our Father is vast and I realized that God already ordained me probably as far back as 1998 when I was talking to my mother about the awesome wonders of the Lord and told her that I hope people don't start to think that I'm some kind of religious freak or something. Or, maybe before I strayed from the church and endured many trials and tribulation believing that I would not make it back; whenever He did it, I know that God has ordained me and can no man take that from me. After all, He knew me before He formed me in my mother's womb. Man gave me a license therefore I am a licensed minister with an ID and man can take the license ID but man cannot take my anointing from the Lord and what God has ordained me to do.

Because of God's love for us, my passion of sharing the gospel is an obligation. Leading others to the Rock of salvation and finding comfort in asking spiritual questions for spiritual guidance. Our natural nature is to sin causing our souls to be lost in the darkness. However, we have a way out…the way is Jesus. We take the Light into the darkness or the world and lead the lost to the Light.


  Hallelujah, Praise God!